Breakfast with Santa

ST. PETERSBURG – The St. Petersburg Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. will host their 34th annual Breakfast with Santa Community Outreach event this Saturday. This extraordinary community building and family-oriented event is designed to give many of our most delicate citizens, the community children, a great start to the holiday season.

Many children and families receiving assistance through local agencies, as well as families throughout the St. Petersburg community, partake in this warm and inviting breakfast with Santa Claus event.

Throughout the event, participants experience a day full of fun, games, prizes, arts and crafts and entertainment in a wholesome environment. The festivities are capped off with a small token of love donated by our chapter members and pictures with Santa will be also be available.

This year’s event will be held Sat., Dec. 5 from 8-11 a.m., at the Pinellas Technical College, formerly pTEC, located at 901 34th St. S, across from Gibbs High School. Breakfast will be served from 8:30-10 a.m.

Our own Delta GEMS and Delta Academy youth groups will man the activity stations and help with gift giveaways. Please plan on joining us for this family-oriented event that gives joy, peace and love to children.

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