Visionaries on ‘One Accord’

By Dexter McCree, Staff Writer

The St. Petersburg area is continuously being recognized for its diversity, young artists, visionaries and up and coming national presenters. The One Accord Conference Retreat ( will serve as another platform to experience local phenoms.  It’s quite amazing to read the individual accomplishments of the presenters donning the TradeWinds Resort in the next few days. They include marketing/promotion directors, fashion designers, financial advisors, life coaches, pastors, recording artist, dancers and more, all having a St. Petersburg connection.

Shane Brown, CEO/Owner of Sigma Bull productions, graduate of Gibbs High and USF.  Presenting “The Brand New You!”

Audrey “Pat” McGhee, CEO of APM Fashions.  An amazing fashion designer who attended The Barbizon School of Modeling.  Fashion show on Saturday.

Bishop Kelvin McCree, pastor, author, national certified life coach.  Grandson to the late Dr. L.S. McCree (former president of Florida Seminary). Keynote speaker for “One Accord Luncheon.”

Dr. Mark Thompson, pastor. Featured on “The Word Network.”  Former local pastor, current pastor in Detroit. Keynote speaker for “Sunday Morning Live” service.

Terry Sterling, a Financial Services Investment Representative and Advisor. Presenting “How to Build Wealth on a Shoestring Budget.

Rev. Brian Brown, pastor appointed by governor to One Church One Child Board of Directors. Presenting lessons from “The Color Purple.”

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