A White Diamond Affair


ST. PETERSBURG — The Pinellas County Urban League (PCUL) Guild encouraged everyone to put on their best bib and tucker  and meet them down at the Magnuson Hotel Marina Cove last Fri., Dec. 4. for a night good fun, great fashions and fellowship.

The guild is the fundraising and volunteer arm of the Urban League. Guild members donate their time to deliver services that extend public understanding and support of the National Urban League and its programs.

The local guild helps supports PCUL in any way possible. Whether it’s cleaning floors, taking tickets or ushering, the guild is front and center. They also serve as hosts and hostess at the yearly Equal Opportunity Awards Day Dinner and Annual Conference, which is the league’s largest fundraiser.

The guild holds fundraising activities that help raise money for PCUL programs, such as youth and workforce development programs and their health initiatives.  They also serve the community by partnering with different organizations such as Pinellas Opportunity Council, the National Council for Negro Women and the YMCA when they have events.

Considered the heart and soul of the Urban League movement, Guilders contribute thousands of volunteer hours annually and play a pivotal role in connecting the Urban League to communities.

The PCUL’s guild took first place at the national conference in Ft. Lauderdale for the most amount of community fundraising activities, and third place nationally for the most amount of money raised.

Outgoing Guild President Rene Flowers was her usually bubbly self, working the room.

“The title of this party was A White Diamond Affair, so you’ll see all of the guild members in white and a little bit of bling, bling here and there,” Flowers said. “It’s our turn to show that we enjoy being a part of the community and being a part of the Urban League.”

When President & CEO of the PCUL, Watson Haynes, contacted Flowers to serve as president of the guild, she said yes because she truly believes in the cause.

“It has been a pleasure,” she said. “You all being here tonight is a reflection of all of the hard work of everybody in the organization.”

After a meal that had people licking their fingers, clothing designer Audrey Pat McGhee brought out her fashions. The models walked in between the tables showing off her original designs. Milan or Paris had nothing on the fashions or models. All designs were available for purchase.

For more information or to join the guild, contact Pattye Sawyer-Hampton at (727) 327-2081 ext. 128 or psawyer-hampton@pcul.org.

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