George Lyons is as friendly as they come. He meets no strangers and he has a heart of gold. He has a passion for cooking therefore he feeds many. He has known the street way of life, so he has compassion for young men who make bad decisions. He is grateful for where he is in life, therefore, his words are as a seasoned counselor. He is everybody’s “Uncle Johnny.”
He’s that guy that you can count on and he has good advice. Uncle Johnny is one of those people that you rearrange your schedule just to come and be a part of celebrating with him because that is what he would do for you.
Even at 65 years young, he stills serves in his church, attends athletic events for his nieces, takes neighbors to appointments and the list goes on. He’s everybody’s Uncle Johnny. Family and friends gathered at Sylvia’s Restaurant to have a few laughs and celebrate Uncle Johnny.
“I want to thank all of you for coming to see me today,” said Uncle Johnny. “This really means a lot to me. I’m serious, it really does.” Here are a few captured moments from the gathering.