Clarissa James goes home

Dr. Clarissa Hersey James was a ray of sunshine in the community. Born on December 20, 1959, she went home to her creator Dec. 1.

With a vision in her heart, she left the comfort and security of employment with CASA and stepped out on faith and started her ministry. She wanted to fill a need for transitional housing for recovering addicts, those released from prison and other displaced persons.

Calling her ministry Breaking Free By Faith, she celebrated its 11th anniversary last month at the Enoch Davis Center. At the event, several persons that have transitioned and others still at the ministry spoke about how she helped them to recover and move on successfully. There was so much love in the room for her and glowing expressions of the love she showed them. She will surely be missed by her family, other loved ones and her community.

Dr. James is survived by her husband Ernest James, her son, Glenn Alexander, two sisters, five brothers and all of her clients then and now. There will be a memorial service Fri., Dec.11 at 6 p.m. at Bethel Metropolitan Baptist Church, 3455 26th Ave. S, St. Petersburg, where Pastor Dr. Ricky L. Houston presides.The funeral will be held Sat., Dec.1 in her home town of Sanford, Fla., at New Life Word Center, 1311 South Oak Avenue.

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