Continuing the series: Facing What’s Forward

Pastor Brian K. Brown, St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church

Scripture: Genesis 6:5-15

Opportunity comes at many junctures of our daily life, and as believers, we subscribe to the thought that God can do all but fail. Yet, what are we doing with these opportunities, do we notice them? Do we appreciate them? As we examine Gen.6:5, we note that Noah noticed that things were not getting better, but in fact were getting worse for the people.

Today, we might easily allow ourselves to be led into making the same assertion, things do seem to be getting worse morally, mentally, relationally, and even in terms of our cultural awareness and Dr. King’s iconic “I Have a Dream” speech delivered around the Lincoln memorial in Washington, D.C., Aug. 28, 1963, is declarable in our hearts. Let us closely examine our thoughts behind the premise “What door is opening at this moment?” In terms of opportunity, God is constantly opening doors for us, doors of opportunity. Consider the importance of understanding the concept of “Facing Forward” when opportunity knocks at our proverbial door.

Thought: What door is opening at this moment for you?

Question: “What Will You Do with Opportunity?” Will you…

  1. Miss it: Sometimes we miss opportunities because we simply do not notice it, we do not understand what it looks like.
  2. Mess- over it:  It is difficult to comprehend; we are baffled and do not know what to do with the opportunity.
  3. Maxime the moment and the opportunity: Ideally, we can advance and progress with opportunities that are afforded to us!

So then, what does opportunity need from us when knocking at the door? We are to receive the following for instruction:

Point One: Linked with God (Gen. 6:9) provides guidance in Noah’s story. Noah walked with God. Which is good news for you and I as we focus on the belief that every opportunity comes from God, and He is careful and loves us enough to point out opportunities for us.

Point Two: Listening to God (v.13) And God said unto Noah…, again, evidence that we serve a God that is careful with us and in his instruction to us. God teaches us what to do with the opportunities in front of us. As Christians we are to present ourselves malleable and allow God to develop us.

Point Three: Learning from God (v;13- 14) Friends, we must follow God’s directions so the opportunities facing us can be fruitful. In an effort to maximize opportunity, we are to continue focusing on the facts of God, fellowshipping with God, and certainly having faith in God as He shows us what to do with our opportunities.

Lastly, life in Christ Jesus is fruitful. The journey requires many aspects of instruction if we are to face what is ahead and the many doors of time, space, and will He choose to grant us. As you and I continue this journey, no matter how dark life may appear, please remember God loves us so much, and continues to place opportunities in front of us.

You’re invited to experience the full sermon is on YouTube and join us Sunday mornings in the sanctuary or via live stream on YouTube @ St Mark MBC at 10:20 for Sunday School, worship service at 10:45 a.m., and bible study on Wednesdays @ 7:00 p.m.

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