
BY REV. DORAL PULLEY | Today’s Church Tampa Bay

Read – Mark 3:1-6

Scripture: “Jesus said to the man stretched out your hand. He stretched it out and it became whole like the other hand (Mark 3:5).”

Denial: “Physical limitations will not hinder my success and advancement.”

Affirmation: “I stretch beyond my comfort zones and grow beyond my familiar places.”

Ever since I can remember, I have always desired to be a preacher. When I was a little boy, I played church with my cousins and friends, and I was always the preacher, the pastor, or the bishop. My first congregation was my teddy bears, Incredible Hulk, Ken and Gi-I-Joe action figures.

I actually began preaching to a full audience, inclusive of adults when I was 7 years old. I was so nervous preaching in front of a live audience of hundreds of people. It was a stretch for me, but I rose to the challenge and answered the call. When it was time for me to choose a college and a major, I had to stretch beyond my family’s expectations and societal norms. I chose schools where I was able to major in Religious Studies and Theology because I desired to be the best preacher that I was able to be.

At 19, I was called to stretch beyond my comfort zone and establish a local assembly with my family, fraternity brothers, and other university colleagues. For 20 years, I was bi-vocational, being a school administrator and leading a congregation as well. God called me to stretch again at 44 when I was commissioned to move to Florida to pursue full-time ministry.

Five years later, I was called to leave my established congregation in the Unity denomination and to start Today’s Church Tampa Bay. With these two locations, one in Tampa and another in St. Petersburg, I was given the opportunity to advance the Kingdom Movement.

Jesus, our Wayshower, often called people to stretch to receive their miracle and other changes they were seeking. The man with the withered hand had to stretch beyond his nervousness and become the center of attention in the temple. Jesus also invited him not to hide his withered hand but to stretch it out so until it became whole like the other hand. It is impossible to follow Jesus’ example and not stretch beyond your comfort zone and your familiar place.

Reflection Question: In what areas of your life is God calling you to stretch beyond your comfort zones and familiar places?

Rev. Doral Pulley is the senior pastor of Today’s Church Tampa Bay, 2114 54th Ave. N, St. Petersburg and 5107 North Central Ave., Tampa.

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