Elections less than 6 months away

Dear Editor,

Many of you already know me, but for those of you who do not, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Corey Givens Jr. and I’m running for the St. Petersburg City Council District 6 seat.

I’m a fourth generation St. Pete native, so chances are if you aren’t familiar with me, you probably know a member of my family: the Givens, the Beachums, or the Carters. You may also remember me from Lakewood High, Greek Life events, the neighborhood association or church. Perhaps we’ve just ran into each other a few times in passing at Publix. If you know me, then you know my love for our community and you know that my heart is rooted in our city.

Since we started this race a little over a month ago, we’ve spoken to hundreds of voters across the city and one of the things that I’ve been hearing the most from residents is that they don’t even know there’s an election this coming August . Yes, August 2017, less than six months away. The mayor and four city council seats are on the ballot and yet constituents still do not know.

Communication is key and that’s going to be the focus of our campaign from here till Election Day. We will knock on doors and make phone calls, just to ensure we get out the vote. It’s my job as the candidate to make sure the citizens of St. Petersburg aren’t left out or disregarded in this election cycle. Time after time, we’ve seen the results of a lack of voter engagement and mobilization.

On August 29, 2017 voters can finally have a say in the direction that we take our city in. But first, we must ask ourselves a few questions: Do we go forward or do we go backwards? Do we choose to embrace the future while respecting the past? Do we elect a “Bridge Builder” or a “Bridge Destroyer?” Do we choose safer neighborhoods, sustainable paying jobs you can raise a family on, and a more vibrant economy? Well, that’s all up to you!

I encourage every constituent out there to find an issue that’s important to you, whether it’s affordable housing or minimizing crime. Find something or someone who motivates you to get out to the polls and vote like your life depends on it, because it does! The generations to come will study our history to see if we were proactive or reactive in the year 2017.

If you aren’t registered to vote, please go online today and visit the Supervisor of Elections website at www.votepinellas.org or you can visit your local public library while you still have time. So don’t wait, the clock is ticking.

See friends, this isn’t a campaign this is a movement and the only way that we’re going to move forward is with your support and vote. Please join the movement by visiting us online at www.CoreyGivens.com.

Lastly, I charge you to pick up the phone and call at least three friends to tell them that Corey Givens Jr. is running to be our voice at City Hall. Let your family know that Corey is and always will be, a true “Son of St. Pete.” Our time is now, so let’s work together to unite our beloved St. Petersburg!

Signed with love,

Corey Givens Jr., Candidate for St. Pete City Council District 6

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