Increasing parent/family engagement

For the five plus years the Parent Support For Education Council, Inc. (PSFEC) has been soliciting community buy-in, support and active participation positively dealing with issues related the failing elementary schools Maximo, Lakewood, Campbell Park, Melrose and Fairmount Park, the so-called Failure factories.

Since April, positive changes have taken place, such as principal of Melrose Elementary, Nannette Grasso, agreeing to a partnership with PSFEC.

To date, PSFEC has received encouraging positive responses.

More than seven churches have signed letters of support and positively engage in the Million Fathers March, an event happening Wed., Sept. 30 where fathers and other supporting males will bring their children to school.

Churches have signed letters of sustained support.  Much more will be shared in this column during next several weeks.

Here is a letter to the editor from a concerned citizen who has taken direct action.

Praise the Lord!!!

Dear Editor,

Since reconnecting with Pastor Rainey by divine appointment, I was reminded of his passion and desire to see parent/family engagement by 100 percent in struggling schools.

I met Pastor Rainey about three years ago and his fire and dedication to see our children in the city of St. Petersburg come into their full potential academically, socially and most importantly spiritually inspired me. I recently met with him to speak about my own ministry endeavors and of course the conversation reversed back to PSFEC, which I didn’t mind at all.

The vision that God has given Pastor Rainey to increase parent and family engagement by 100 percent in each of our elementary schools is so overwhelmingly contagious with truth and facts it only makes sense to believe and implement it.

I have submitted my application to become a board member for this great Council (PSFEC) and pray that it will be approved.

After briefly speaking with Pastor Rainey for the first time in three years I knew I wanted to be a part of such a great movement for the elementary schools in our city.

PSFEC is on a mission and if you care about your city, your community and the future of us all, you too will commit to supporting the organization as they lead this next generation into their future with an increase in academics and social success.

It’s been proven and statistics show that when a child has a group of people supporting, pushing, and encouraging them, the sky is the limit. I believe if we as a community get on board with Pastor Rainey and PSFEC we can experience what we all desire—parent/family engagement by 100 percent.

In closing I would like to encourage all to support and participate in PSFEC’s next life-changing event, the “Million Father March.” You don’t want to miss this historic event that will take place right here in our own city! Please join us as we continue to change a city one school at a time.

Your sister in Christ,

Kenya Allen


Pastor Rainey serves as Senior Pastor for the Faith Memorial MB Church.   He also serves as President of the Parent Support For Education Council, Inc., (PSFEC) and is past chairman of JWB South County Community Council. He can be contacted at or (727) 420-1326

PSFEC meets every third Thursday each month @ 6:30 p.m. in Melrose Elementary Library, 1752 13th Ave. S.

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