Ladies in White Prayer Brunch


ST. PETERSBURG – Lakewood United Methodist Church, located at 5995 MLK St. S., was filled with women Sat., June 6 for a prayer service hosted by Bishop Clarice Pennington from The Christian Generation Center of Hope. These ladies were dressed in white and were representing the Lord.

“When I think of white it represents purity, it represents holiness,” enlightened keynote speaker Minister Joy Green. “It represents Christ.”

And that is what the day was all about. Green warmed up the women with a rising sermon before bringing it down a notch to explain her passion. You see Green is the Regional Director for Aglow International, a ministry that aims to restore the relationship of the world with God and one another.

“We’re in the juncture of history where He is bringing us back to the basics,” said Green who has been a lifetime advocate for women, children and at-risk families. She believes Christians have a duty to be a “voice for the voiceless” and hopes that more people will join the cause all around the world.

“One of my passions is to really break down that barrier of gender, the things that separate us in any way,” she said bringing to light the fact that today women are still objectified in many nations and viewed as inferior to men.

Green is passionate for missions to engage Christians to rev up their own communities and share the redemptive message of the gospel. For the most part it is women, the mothers of the world, who are still looked upon to spread the word of God. Green feels mothers understand what it takes to prevail, to understand what it takes to bring forth the purposes of God.

“You understand when you see someone in bondage, you feel that pain,” she said. “Until you bring them to their destiny, see them set free and delivered, see them fulfill the call upon their lives.”

She spoke of repentance and forgiveness, of getting back on track with Him, with loved ones, neighbors and people of the world. Green called on all women to use their natural mindset to help others, in getting a revival started. “God wants us to use our womb; it doesn’t matter if you have natural children. You can be birthing spiritual children around the world.”

Whether it is someone that you walk by in the store or helping someone that comes to you in a dream or vision, Green encourages women to open their heart and to keep giving, even when the road ahead seems insurmountable, even when it seems that no one is listening.

“You know sometimes we get tired,” said Green. “It’s okay because we’re supposed to do this thing together.”

One way to get the message out is to start a revival. Green told of a young woman who empowered others through her prayer meeting. A college student, she had just gotten saved when she stood up and voiced her love for Jesus. Her voice traveled and started a revival like no other. “That school shut down for weeks because of one young woman.”

When transforming a community or just an individual, Green lists four elements that are essential for success. In fact, she encourages others to watch some of the transformation videos where revivals took place so evidence of the community’s transformation could be witnessed and emulated elsewhere.

“It’s not a holy ghost service, that’s not a revival,” she said. A sustained transformation is when crime drops, people have jobs, abuse stops and people that are in sexual sin are altered “because the holiness moves into the city.”

So what indeed are these four elements that will save us all? Well, according to Green honor is essential. “Wherever there is honor, He feels safe enough to come here,” explained the minister. Humility and a hunger to not only do right by God, but to spread the His word to others.

“There’s a slumber, there’s a spirit of laziness,” said Green who believes when we witness the revival of others that we should indeed be hungry ourselves for that same transformation.

Finally, holiness is the final element that is needed in order for the revival of a community, group, or individual. Repent and become a prayer warrior. Learn how to pray with others and do it often.

“We’ve had casual church, we’ve had casual Christianity. We’ve stepped on the holy,” she finished.

Green remembers being timid about praying in the beginning. She didn’t know how to pray and always felt self-conscious praying in front of others. “I was scared, I didn’t want to open my mouth,” she explained. “I’d open my mouth and mess up the whole prayer.”

But the good minister truly believes that if you are ready to learn, God will anoint you because in her book, it isn’t the volume that makes the prayer amazing, it isn’t even the emotion as those who preach so often get caught up in. To Minister Green it is all about the heart.

“There is a revival going on,” she said. “All over the world, the church is praying.”

After Green’s rousing sermon, 14 prayer warriors came to the pulpit to pray for marriages and family to the safety of Tampa Bay. The afternoon ended with songs of praise and impartations.

To reach Holly Kestenis, email

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