Denial – There is no lack or limitation in my life.
Affirmation – All of my needs are met in full and on time today.
God is your Source. Everything and everyone else are a resource. God flows through various people, places, and things to meet your needs and give you the desires of your heart. When financial challenges take place, remind yourself of the Truth that God has already made a way and that it is already done. In the “consciousness of the already,” meditate and allow God to direct your path to the right and perfect resource for your prosperity.
Jesus, as Wayshower, is the king of prosperity. He demonstrated the kingdom of wealth when Peter needed money for his taxes in Matthew 17:24-27. Jesus told him exactly where the money was and gave him specific instructions as to how to obtain it. Jesus told Peter to go the sea. When Peter did as Jesus’s instructed the first fish he found had a mouth full of gold. There was enough gold in the fish’s mouth to pay not only Peter’s taxes but Jesus’ taxes as well.
It is God’s desire that you experience increase, abundance, overflow and more than enough. God gives you more than enough so that you can be a blessing to others. Your manifestation of prosperity also becomes a testimony to others that practicing the principles result in a harvest of blessings.
Reflection Question – How do you desire to reign over your finances and create wealth in your life?
Meditation Activity – Meditate on your financial desires. Allow the Holy Spirit to give insight and instructions about those financial desires.