Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas: What an embarrassment

‘Clarence Thomas’ voting record seems to be one of retaliation against Democrats, against African Americans, and against women who speak up for themselves.’

Dear Editor:

From the get-go, this man, Clarence Thomas, has done nothing but embarrass a nation of African Americans and people of goodwill with his bizarre behaviors. During his confirmation hearing in July 1991, Senator Howell Heflin (D, AL) said, “Judge Thomas, I have looked over your life and history, and you’re something of an enigma.”

Senator Heflin’s statement holds true today, nearly 31 years later. Thomas’ confirmation hearing was one of the most contentious in history. He, no doubt, is a puzzling and difficult person to understand and has significantly contributed to the diminished respect of the Supreme Court.

During his confirmation hearing, a very credible witness testified that she was sexually harassed by Thomas when they worked together in the Office of Equal Opportunity. Many people throughout the country believed her version of the events. Naturally, Thomas denied the allegations.

He summarized the hearing as a “high-tech lynching.” Thomas strongly and forcefully used the race card to suggest that he was being targeted for being a Black man.

Damn, an African-American man was accused by an African-American woman of sexual harassment, and he interjected the word lynching into the conversation. Thomas failed to display the judicial temperament desired of a Supreme Court Justice.

From there, things have only gotten worse. The Senate narrowly approved him, and the embarrassments began to pile up. For years it seems he never opened his mouth during oral arguments. He presented himself as unintelligent – big time.

As a matter of fact, in Feb. 2016, National Public Radio stated, “Clarence Thomas asks first question from the Supreme Court bench in 10 years.” Wow! It took 10 years for him to ask lawyers testifying before the court a single question. Mind-blowing and embarrassing.

It seems that his voting decisions may have simply followed the lead of Justice Antonin Scalia. He appeared to be a Scalia bobblehead whose head barely bobbled.

Thomas’ voting record seems to be one of retaliation against Democrats, against African Americans, and against women who speak up for themselves. Under the cover of calling himself a conservative and simply referring to himself as someone different, he fails to realize that the job of a Supreme Court Justice is to review cases while guaranteeing the constitutional rights of everyone.

Thomas’ wife, Virginia (Ginni) Thomas, has given the country reason to be even more suspicious of her husband’s supreme ignorance. She texted former President Donald Trump’s Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows, imploring him to support a pathetic serial liar in his efforts to overturn a fairly held presidential election.

She suggested that Trump was great and that Republican lawmakers who didn’t fight to overturn the election were “pathetic.” Now, don’t get me wrong, Ginni Thomas had the right to her opinions, but she was stupid to voice them – especially in writing.

On the other hand, Justice Thomas gave us all reason to believe that he has NO moral compass, NO personal ethical code, NO respect for the constitution, NO concern for the court’s image, and NO interest in doing what’s right for the country legally. He was the only justice to vote in favor of Trump, NOT having to turn over records to the House Jan. 6 committee investigating the insurrection. The only one.

Common sense would suggest he recuse himself from Jan. 6 court matters out of respect for the reputation of the Supreme Court and the fairness doctrine of the constitution. Instead, he embarrassingly signals that he will not do so.

Maybe, just maybe, Thomas is taking his cues from another group of embarrassing individuals. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell spoke highly of Justice Thomas, referring to him as “brilliant.” Please be reminded that this is the same Mitch McConnell who said that he wouldn’t support Judge Kentji Brown’s nomination to the court for ridiculously flawed reasons. Obviously, McConnell used the term brilliant twisted as it relates to these two individuals.

Former Florida Governor and current Senator Rick Scott said, “Justice Thomas has always been known to do the right thing.” Now, this comes from a man who has never been known to do or say the right thing.

Scott took the 5th amendment 75 times during an investigation where his company was accused of stealing massive amounts of money from the Medicaid program. The company was forced to pay millions in fines and penalties. Scott is just another of the thugs supporting Thomas for purely partisan political reasons.

The American people deserve better from the Supreme Court. Thanks to Justice Thomas, the trust factor is now at an all-time low. Congress should initiate impeachment proceedings against him even though it is highly unlikely the thuggish, insurrection supporting Republicans will vote to convict him. At least wayward justices will know that there is an avenue to hold them accountable.

– Ray Tampa

One Reply to “Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas: What an embarrassment”

  1. Rick G says:

    Shame on justice Thomas. His temptation has no shame for the highest court. How sad for the future of our nation.

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