The doctor spoke it first!

BY DEXTER MCCREE, Feature Writer

ST. PETERSBURG – Growing up to be a doctor was always the career Jenella Arscott had in mind for her future. During one of her first physicals at a local doctor’s office, the doctor commented that she had great attention for detail. Immediately, her parents knew that one day she would achieve goals and set high standards.

After overcoming a few obstacles and minor setbacks, she can now say that one hurdle has been crossed. She is officially a 2017 high school graduate.

Though many of her peer’s lives began in cities within the States, Jenella was born in Birmingham, England, in the United Kingdom and came to the America when she was four months old. Although she has no memory of her birthplace, the values of the culture are inherited. As she learns more of her heritage, she has established a strong love for her country and an appreciation for its fondness of exceeding expectations.

Jenella Arscott Grad, featuredJenella expresses appreciation for her mother and father having always been involved with her schooling and having an older sibling has provided her with a role model.

“My brother, who happens to be nine years older than me, is a part of my creation. Seeing a sibling tackle an obstacle that I found was impossible developed me into a rather fearless being,” stated Jenella.

Throughout years of peer pressure and finding her, mostly at in middle school at Thurgood Marshall Fundamental, she found herself excelling through experiences because she followed her brother’s example.

“Having someone who can relate to you on a friendly level, and also as a hovering and protecting guardian has not always been the most pleasant experience, but I would never replace my brother for anything in this world.”

Jenella’s parents raised their children to be considerate of their surroundings and responsible for their grades. She and her brother knew that bringing home the modest grade of a “B” was unacceptable.

Having a solid foundation and strict rules instilled in her the perfect attitude. She praises her parents for it now, even though she could not understand why she had to work so hard in the past.

Jenella’s academic life began at Bay Vista Fundamental Elementary School and now she’s completed her senior year at The Boca Ciega High School in the Center for Wellness and Medical Professions program as summa cum laude.

“What a journey! In my opinion, it is important to remember that all things have been conquered through the grace of God,” she said.

“Looking back five years ago, I would have never thought that I would have achieved so much,” she said.

Graduating with a 4.4 grade point average, Jenella will attend Florida State University, her dream college. As she goes on her journey, no doubt she will continue to be a driven young lady and one day will exceed her dreams and expectations. It’s in her heritage and the doctor spoke it first.

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