Business Resiliency Team: Here for you and your business

What is the Business Resiliency Team?

The Business Resiliency Team (BRT) is a support program for businesses and nonprofits in St. Petersburg. It was created as part of Grow Smarter’s COVID-19 community response, in partnership with the Greenhouse, the St. Petersburg Area Chamber of Commerce, and the local Economic Development Corporation. We are also working with additional community groups, such as Deuces Live and One Community, to magnify the impact of our BRT outreach.

Who is the BRT for?

Any business or nonprofit in the St. Petersburg area. BRT outreach gives special consideration to minority- and women-owned businesses and sole proprietors.

How can the BRT help me and my business or nonprofit?

BRT navigators will work with you to identify your organization’s needs, connect you with resources, and follow up to see how you’re doing and whether you were able to access what you needed to bring your organization to stability. BRT navigators can also connect you with a growing network of professionals – from accounting to marketing — who have offered to donate their time to businesses in need.

I need help or I know someone who does

You can get in touch with our team or refer a business owner by reaching out to or by leaving a voicemail at (727) 351-3249. A team member will respond within 48 hours. To learn more, visit

How can I help?

We are looking for Business Resiliency Volunteers: attorneys, accountants, bankers, tech gurus, marketing professionals, business consultants who are willing to provide some of their time, free of charge, to our business community! If you would like to donate your time please reach out to us at

About Grow Smarter

Grow Smarter St. Petersburg is an economic development strategy with a focus on equity. We operate as a collective impact initiative with the mission to reduce gaps by race and place by creating equitable economic growth. Grow Smarter is funded by the Foundation for a Healthy St. Petersburg and based at the St. Petersburg Area Chamber of Commerce.

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