God Hides Me (Psalm 27:5-6)

BY REV. DORAL PULLEY | Today’s Church Tampa Bay

Have you ever been hidden? Has God ever protected you where there were things going on all around you, but you were not impacted, infected or affected by it because you were hidden by God?

That is what Zephaniah means, hidden by God. God protects you; God hides you in the secret place, his tabernacle God.

In Israel, there was devastation going on all around, but Zephaniah was not devastated by the devastation because he was hidden by God. There was destruction going all around in Israel, but Zephaniah was not destroyed because he was hidden by God. The name and the character of Israel were defamed, but Zephaniah was not defamed because he was hidden by God.

I AM not saying these things are not going on, but I AM hidden by God. I AM saying I have dotted every eye or crossed every “T,” but God’s grace and God’s mercy hide me from the full consequence of my actions.

There is a place in consciousness where you rise above the devastation, destruction, and defamation. You are not destroyed by the destruction, you are not devastated by the devastation and your name is not defamed through defamation. Through God’s grace and mercy, we are hidden.

God got you in a bubble, and stuff is happening all around you, but you are protected just floating around; it’s like riding on an airplane, and you go through the clouds, and they had the turbulence going, but then the pilot raises the plane above the clouds to that place where there is no storm, and God is saying your consciousness has been elevated above the storm, above the circumstance, above the situation.

God is shutting the mouth of the negative people because you went to a higher place in consciousness, and they canceled the weapon it was formed. but it couldn’t prosper because you were hidden by God. Let me tell you something: there is a place in consciousness where you are seated in heavenly places, in Christ Jesus, you don’t have to be devastated by the devastation you have to be destroyed by the destruction; you have to be defamed because God is able to hide you.

Rev. Doral Pulley is the senior pastor of Today’s Church Tampa Bay, 2114 54th Ave. N, St. Petersburg and 5107 North Central Ave., Tampa.

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