ST. PETERSBURG — A Season of Harvest drew the fellowship and breakfast of United Women in prayer. The gathering held at McCabe United Methodist church solicited prayers of adoration and praise along with confession, thanksgiving, supplication and petitions. Approximately 50-75 people joined together believing that this is their season of harvest.
McCabe United Methodist Women is an organized group committed to missions locally, nationally and globally. They support women, children and youth through prayers, volunteering and financial gifts. These women focus on social issues that affect women and children, such as homelessness, domestic violence, human trafficking and immigration.
While there was a buffet of hot grits, eggs, sausage, biscuits and juice, clearly the fire came through the efferent prayers. Songs and praise set the atmosphere for the diverse audience to be thankful and hopeful for the harvest.
“I’m overjoyed by your turnout and participation,” said Earlene Jackson, chairperson of the prayer breakfast. “Our prayers really do mean something. We make a difference, but we can’t stop praying.”
Here are the suggestions given for daily prayer habits. Using a small notebook, list the people who influence your family and pray for them.
Monday: Pray for your family unit, children to be teachable at home and school. Pray for friends, neighbors, co-workers, boss and fellow employees.
Tuesday: Pray for school teachers, club presidents, coaches and others in regular contact with children.
Wednesday: Pray for those in leadership positions in local government, mayor, county officials, city council, state legislators and governor.
Thursday: Pray for national leaders: president, vice president, senators, representatives, Supreme Court.
Friday: Pray for missionaries, for their witness and ability to speak boldly, clearly and that the Lord will open doors for them.
Saturday: Pray for church leaders, ministers, teachers, choir directors and members.