Let’s grow together!

“But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (II Peter 3:18).”

The purpose for joining a church and continuing to be a part of a church is spiritual growth.  Church membership is not about the choir, the building or our family history with a church; it is about our spiritual development. It is imperative that we are actively involved in local assemblies where we are connected to the Spiritual Leader’s vision and where we are being spiritually nourished through the Word (preaching, teaching, training, etc.).

Regardless of religious rituals, familiarity or denominational affiliation, if we are not growing in Christ, then our church attendance is in vain.  Connecting with a faith community is about expanding our consciousness, deepening our relationship with God and broadening our spiritual horizons.

At Unity of Midtown, we have committed to spiritual growth which is leading to numerical growth in attendance, participation and membership which leading to financial growth through tithes and offerings which is leading to physical growth, the manifestation of our new building. Every week we affirm, “Let’s GROW Together!” and we see our words bringing about great results.

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