Links launch International Foreign Affairs and Business Empowerment (LIFE) program

ST. PETERSBURG — The St. Petersburg chapter of The Links, Incorporated through its International Trends and Services Facet, will present its Links International Foreign Affairs and Business Empowerment (LIFE) program to local high school students in three sessions beginning Feb. 3, 12, and 19 at the St. Petersburg College Midtown campus in St. Petersburg.  

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The program is designed to introduce minority students to international business and foreign affairs career options. During each session, students will have the opportunity to learn more about international business and international affairs, study abroad opportunities for high school and college, international etiquette and traveling abroad. The program will also feature guest speakers who represent leading global companies and organizations. 

“We are excited to provide this unique opportunity for students to learn how to think globally. The program is covered in three sessions and will equip scholars with valuable information about potential careers and opportunities available in the fields of international business and international affairs.  We want to prepare our scholars to compete in our global society, said Lisa Brody, chair of The International Trends and Services (ITS) Facet. 

Each session is free, and space is limited to 50 students. Register online at

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