Pinellas County School News

Pinellas County Schools celebrates the class of 2019 during graduation ceremonies

Pinellas County School graduation ceremonies will be held throughout the district in May. Go to for 2019 graduation dates and times, as well as individual school valedictorians and salutatorians. Follow the district’s Facebook and Twitter accounts for graduation photos or celebration information. District staff will live-tweet each graduation ceremony using #PCSGrads. Students are encouraged to tweet their graduation pictures and share them to the district’s social media accounts. This will also be the first year each ceremony will be streamed live on the PCS YouTube page.

STEM Summer Camp registration open now
The school district is offering two types of camps where students can explore Science, Technology Engineering and Math. STEM Summer Camps are for students entering grades 2-7 next school year. During the four-day camp, students will solve daily STEM team challenges, build and program robots, participate in computer programming and take part in hands-on engineering design challenges. The cost is $100.

STEM Honors Summer Camps are for students entering grades 8 and 9 next school year. The eight-day camp will involve computer programming, multimedia productions, robotics and STEM career exploration. The cost is $150.

Both camps will take place in June. Learn more and apply at

Learn about Cultural Arts and Gifted magnet programs at Midtown Academy

Families interested in the Cultural Arts or Gifted Studies programs are invited to attend the Midtown Academy Student Showcase. Explore gifted programs, and check out student science projects. Children will have opportunities to engage in educational games and arts activities. Learn more about one of our newest schools and find out how to apply. The showcase will take place from 5 to 7 p.m. May 7 at Midtown Academy Center for Cultural Arts & Gifted Studies, 1701 10th St. S in St. Petersburg. The event will kick off with a question and answer session for interested families at 5 p.m.

Summer Bridge registration is underway
Registration for Summer Bridge began on Monday, March 25. Summer Bridge provides engaging activities to prepare students for maximum success when the next school year begins. Most elementary, middle and high school Summer Bridge programs will be June 11 to July 18. Programs will take place Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.  Learn more at

The Late Application Period for Choice Programs is underway 
Many magnet, fundamental and career programs have seats available for the 2019-2020 school year. Geographic application area restrictions for several programs have been lifted, allowing students who live in other areas of the county to apply. After parents apply, schools with available seats will contact parents to invite students to attend. Parents can also contact program coordinators to find out the status of their late applications. For information about Choice Programs visit If you have questions about the application process, contact Student Assignment, 727-588-6210.

Annual ESE Parent Survey is underway
It is time for the Florida Department of Education’s annual Exceptional Student Education Parent Survey. Each year, the department surveys parents of students with an individual education plan (IEP) who receive special education services to determine how well schools are partnering with them and promoting their involvement in their children’s education.

If your child attends a Pinellas County public school and receives special education services, please take the survey. Feedback helps the state and the school district improve educational services for children with special needs and their families.

Parents can take the survey at Or they can complete a paper survey distributed by their child’s school. If you have questions or need a paper survey, contact Tracy McMannus at 727-588-6062 or

Kindergarten registration is underway
Parents can register their children for kindergarten for the next school year at The school district is urging families to register their children by May 29, before the end of the school year. If your child is currently attending VPK within the Pinellas County school district, you will not need to register them for kindergarten for the 2019-2020 school year. Children currently attending VPK in the district will be automatically assigned to their zoned school in March. Learn more at If you have questions, call Student Assignment at 727-588-6210.

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