Podcaster and mindset coach turns heartbreak into healing

Domasha Beavers turned the tragedy of losing a child into a conduit of healing. 


ST. PETERSBURG — Domasha Beavers knows a thing or two about what it means to run a successful business. Some might call Beavers a “serial entrepreneur,” owning and operating more than one business.

Six years ago, she started Zipmouth Motivation, LLC first as a podcast as an outlet she needed for her own mental health.

“I was in a dark place,” she explained. “I was going through a tough custody battle, something I never thought I would go through. The podcast was my outlet.”

Soon, she discovered that her outlet was like therapy for her listeners — people who could relate to what she was feeling.

“Some of my listeners suggested that I think about becoming a coach,” Beavers said. “Even though it was my place to vent, I wanted to educate people too. People started telling me that the things I talked about were really helpful to them.”

So, five years ago, Beavers became a certified mindset coach and added coaching to the Zipmouth lineup. She said her job is to guide clients on a path to healing and sometimes on their spiritual journey, helping them change their way of thinking.

“The best part has been seeing people excel and change,” the mother of two said. “I like to see people grow. That is the best part for me.”

Then, a few years ago, Beavers decided she was ready for a new business venture, one that was just as personal as her motivation to start Zipmouth. She calls it Tikia Divine, named in honor of the daughter she lost at just a few weeks old in 2005.

Beavers is a proponent of a holistic approach to life, and with her new business, she offers holistic products, including skincare items, teas and herbal medicine. Recently, she even added handmade jewelry to her product list.

“I thought it was a good way to honor her,” the entrepreneur said. “I always thought that she would be a holistic person like me. She was my very first child.”

Along with the chance to honor her daughter with her business, the 42-year-old said the best part about Tikia Divine is the chance to share her holistic approach to life.

“I like to see people healed,” she said. “I love to see people when they come back and tell me how well it [the product] worked. That’s exciting for me.”

But she knows that being an entrepreneur does have its challenges, too.

Domasha Beavers offers holistic products, including skincare items, teas and herbal medicine. Recently, she even added handmade jewelry to her product list.

“For me, the hardest part is finding balance,” she said. “Working on the business but still being a mom, showing up for games, having to take my laptop everywhere.”

And although it isn’t always easy, even though every entrepreneur sometimes has doubts, Beavers said she wouldn’t change it for the world.

“If you are planning to start a business, I’d tell you that even when you don’t believe it, do it anyway,” she said. “Then, before you know it, you’ll be there.”

To learn more about Zipmouth Motivation, visit zipmouthmotivationllccom.wordpress.com, and for Tikia Divine products, drop by Tropicana Field or one of the many markets Saturday Shoppes offers throughout the month. While you’re there, visit the more than 1,000 vendors as they sell their wares.

Log on to SaturdayShoppes.com to view all upcoming market events.

This story is part of a series highlighting small business owners participating in the Saturday Shoppes, an initiative creating economic development and opportunities for small business owners.

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