Prayer & Persistence

BY REV. DORAL PULLEY, Today’s Church Tampa Bay

“He spoke a parable to illustrate that people are to always pray and never give up (Luke 18:1).”

Jesus, the Perfect Pattern, was a great teacher and often used parables to illustrate his point. Parables represent earthly stories that have heavenly meaning. The verse for today is the beginning of the Parable of the persistent widow and the Unjust Judge found in Luke 18:1-8.

The image of God in the parable symbolizes the judge, and the woman represents any person who desires answered prayers. The woman was specific about her request, “avenge me of my adversary.” She was also strategic about getting results “I tell you that he will avenge them speedily.” God answered her prayers in due time. The lesson from the parable is that intentional and persistent prayers get results.

Prayer is more than a religious ritual. It is an authentic relationship with God that gets results. God is your Source and created many prayer tools for the two of you to communicate. When you use those prayer tools, you move from the image of God to the likeness of God (Genesis 1:26-28). The image of God is your divine potential and the endless possibilities that you can bring into expression. The likeness of God is your divine manifestation, the results of your prayers. Don’t stop praying until you get the results that you desire.

Using the Prayer Tool of Witnessing and Sharing Your Testimony with Others as symbolized by the Measuring Tape, document and share with at least one other person an experience where your persistence in prayer yielded positive outcomes.

Rev. Doral Pulley is the senior pastor of Today’s Church Tampa Bay, 940 5th Ave. S, St. Petersburg (Staybridge Suites) and 5107 North Central Ave., Tampa.

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