Sowing vs. Planting: The Kingdom Key of Sowing & Reaping

BY REV. DORAL PULLEY, Today’s Church Tampa Bay

READ | Matthew 13:1-23

There is a difference between sowing and planting. With planting, you have a designated place, a plan, and the preparations to make it grow and produce fruit. With sowing, you throw the seeds out and let the seeds fall where they may. In planting, you control the outcome. In sowing, you surrender the outcome to the Source, God.

We all have the same seeds. We used to call those seeds the 3T’s for tithing our time, our talents, and our treasure. Now, we use the acronym of T.I.M.E. which represents our time, our individuality (skills, gifts, talents, abilities), and our money, all given from the energy of love.

We are all givers. The question is not whether we are givers. We are all givers. The question is where are we giving from? When we give out of duty and obligation, we are giving out of our cups, and it often leads to frustration and burn-out. When we give from the abundance of our hearts and the energy of love, we are giving from the saucer. Giving from the saucer leads to increase, overflow, and more than enough.

Rev. Doral Pulley is the senior pastor of Today’s Church Tampa Bay, 940 5th Ave. S, St. Petersburg (Staybridge Suites) and 5107 North Central Ave., Tampa.

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