Tragedy hits home

A house fire has upended Pauline Thornhill’s home of more than 40 years. She raised four children and a host of grandchildren and greatgrandchild in her Lakewood Estates home.

Praise the Lord everyone.

As I write this article, my family is going through one of the most devastating incidents one could go through. My mother-in-law, Pauline “Sweet Polly” (my nickname for her) Thornhill, had a house fire that damaged a great deal of the home on Tuesday, Feb. 9.

She moved to the house in Lakewood Estates with her husband, James Thornhill, in the 1970s, one of the first Black families to do so. Together they raised four daughters in that home: Gail, Jill (my First Lady), Veronique, and Monika, and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Her home has been paramount to my family’s lives, especially after being discharged from the United States Marine Corp. and the Army. It’s, of course, my sincere prayer that the Lord shows all how powerful He is and how He blesses those that bless, serve, honor, and praise Him.

As a bishop, I’m expecting nothing less than a miraculous restoration of her home and look forward to the upgrade.

Many thanks to those who have come by already to help aid and support my family during this time, and I believe by faith that many more will continue to show their love towards her and the family.

Pauline Thornhill’s grandson did some digging and found out his grandmother was an ‘It Girl.’

My son-in-law was working on the family tree and discovered that Sweet Polly was a strong activist, with more than 70 mentions in various newspapers. She recently celebrated her 85th birthday, and I believe the Lord will deliver her a belated gift.

These are the times when you need to make sure that you are prayed up so that the Lord will hear and answer your prayers, and in this case, it’s a foregone conclusion, and I’m just waiting on the manifestation of the blessing.

If interested in contacting Mrs. Thornhill, you can reach out to me via my Facebook “Robert Bob Harrison,” or Bishop Robert Harrison, my personal cells 727-265-6437 or 727-278-5719, and I will fill you in on the info.

I’m not sure if they will be setting up a GoFundMe page, but I will add it to next week’s article.

That’s it for this week.

May the Lord God, Jesus Christ, Bless you Real Good!

Till next week,


Bishop Robert L. Harrison, Jr., Ph.D.

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