Apply for school meal benefits the easy way

PINELLAS COUNTY — The Pinellas County School District participates in the National School Lunch/Breakfast Program. Dinner is also available in select schools for students enrolled in afterschool programs. Nutritious meals, which include various hot and cold options, are served every school day. All meals served meet the patterns established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Do you need to complete a Free/Reduced Lunch Application for this 2023-2024 school year? If yes, visit

For assistance with free or reduced meals, contact Susie Zufall – or 727-547-7151

2023-24 school year meal prices:

Meal Paid Cost Free/Reduced Cost
Student Breakfast $0.00 No charge
Elementary Lunch $2.25 No charge
Secondary Lunch $2.75 No charge
Adult Breakfast $2.25
Adult Lunch $3.50


Free and reduced meals

Online applications for free meal benefits are available at

Meal applications provide funding for technology, discounted testing and college application fees, free clothing for students and more. To get started, apply at

For assistance with free or reduced meals – or 727-547-7151 

Meal accounts

Paid and Reduced School Lunches can be prepaid by cash or check only and put into your child’s account in the cafeteria. Checks should be made payable to (name of school) Food Service (i.e., Largo High School Food Service).

The money remains in the student’s account and rolls over from year to year. Your student’s account may be replenished at any time during the school year to avoid a negative balance.

Need a refund? Contact or 727-547-7117

My School Bucks – Online Service

My School Bucks is an online payment portal specially designed to allow parents to make convenient, anytime payments to their children’s school meal accounts. Create a new account with My School Bucks using the student’s 10-digit local ID number.

You can find this number in Focus, which is located in the District’s Home Page drop-down menu; once in Focus, search under “Local Student ID.” Each student will need his/her own account. 

Please use the website link to add funds to your student’s prepaid account at

Students in all Pinellas County Schools are still able to apply for free and reduced lunch meal benefits online. Online applications for free meal benefits are available at

School meals

All students may have one breakfast meal at no charge, which consists of an entrée (i.e., either a hot menu item choice or: a bowl of cereal, or cereal bar, with toast); a fruit choice (canned, fresh fruit, 100 percent juice); and a choice of milk. (PreK meals may differ).

Lunch includes one entree item consisting of protein and healthy grains, a fruit choice (canned, fresh fruit, 100 percent juice); a variety of fresh and cooked vegetables, and a choice of milk. (PreK meals may differ).

Note: Every meal (breakfast and lunch) MUST include at least one fruit or one vegetable

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