City of St. Petersburg announces expansion of Funding for Fighting Chance Fund

ST. PETERSBURG – The City of St. Petersburg is announcing an expansion of funding for the Fighting Chance Fund, an emergency grant available to small businesses and their employees who have been negatively impacted by COVID-19 orders. The City’s goal is to help offset the significant, temporary loss of revenue during this global pandemic. 

Currently, the Fighting Chance Fund provides $5,000 grants to impacted eligible businesses and $500 to impacted eligible individuals. Applications for the next round of funding will go live on Thursday, April 30, 2020. 

Expanded criteria include:

  • Small businesses meeting the existing criteria that are located in St. Petersburg will receive funding even if its owner does not live in St. Petersburg. Employees of that small business will also become eligible on April 30.
  • Small businesses meeting the existing criteria will be eligible for funding if they have been in operation for at least six months, rather than the one year originally required. These businesses will become eligible on April 30.
  • Expanded industry inclusion of travel agencies and tour operators 

Additional information related to this expansion of funding will soon be available at

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