It starts with Spirit!


In Genesis 1, before things took shape and form, it was Spirit that manifested. One of the greatest beneF1Ts that any of us can gain from this 7-week experience is to become more spiritually “F1T” so that we, too, can manifest Spirit. Once we understand that things begin first in Spirit form and then manifest in a physical, tangible form, we are better able to bring about the right and perfect manifestations for our lives on a regular and consistent basis.

There are Seven Spiritual Disciplines that we can follow in order to develop our consciousness (awareness of God) and enhance our earthly experience. They are praying, fasting, reading/ studying the scriptures, praising and worshiping, being a good steward of our time, talents, and treasure, fellowshipping with other spiritual individuals and witnessing. Being F1T requires exercise. We can ensure our own Spiritual F1Tness when we are consistently exercising each of these seven disciplines.

This week we are studying what it means to be spiritually F1T. Spiritual F1Tness is remembering our oneness with God, growing in Christ consciousness, following the Holy Spirit, and giving God the glory. Being spiritually F1T empowers us to align the body and the soul. When we are spiritually F1T, we are able to operate in and manifest Spirit as a lifestyle as op- posed to a case-by-case and moment-by-moment effort. Imagine the beauty of consistently living in Spirit. It simply reinforces the fact that we are spiritual beings living out a natural existence.

Just as water flows through the Bible from Genesis through Revelation, it will also flow from the start to the finish of this consecration. We will begin by drinking at least 64 ounces of water each day. Ultimately, the goal is to drink half of your body weight in ounces. Just as water flows through the Bible, allow it to stream throughout your entire day as opposed to trying to drink it all at once. People all over the globe will be doing this consecration. We are not alone; we are all one in this endeavor. The number “1” replaces the letter “I” in F1Tness to remind us of that truth. Give and receive support by sharing strategies or successes with your water intake on our “W1tness my F1Tness” Facebook Page. Ultimately, our goal is to develop this as a part of our healthy lifestyle and not just a temporary behavior.

Rev. Doral Pulley is the senior pastor of Unity Temple of Truth Church, 511 Prescott St. S, St. Petersburg.

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