Praise the Lord saints of the Most-High God.
WARNING: This bombshell will knock you off your feet and debunk this centuries-old, well-taught myth that Jesus was “JUST” Mary’s baby and second in the Godhead.
This unqualified, unsubstantiated, unproven, unscriptural myth is the major reason Christianity has been the most attacked faith and attached to the thousands of religions in the world and why true believers who preach and teach truth, the Oneness, can’t get an anchored down stronghold of God’s true holiness message.
Just in case you didn’t know and want to join us for virtual services, send me a friend invite on Facebook to “Robert Bob Harrison” and look forward to some of the same fire I write but live and in color.
I provide a teaching ministry that offers the opportunity to participate and even ask questions while service is in on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 7 p.m. and Sundays at 5 p.m. We would love to have you.
We were warned 2,000 years ago.
But this has become boring and uneventful. Yeah, yeah, blah blah, get to the flash and dash, the game is on, and I already missed the first quarter, or I gotta lay out my clothes for work, and he keeps going on and on about stuff we either already know or are not interested in.
2 Corinthians 4: 3-4 Amplified Bible
3 But even if our gospel is [in some sense] hidden [behind a veil], it is hidden [only] to those who are perishing; 4 among them THE GOD OF THIS WORLD [SATAN] HAS BLINDED THE MINDS of the unbelieving to prevent them from seeing the illuminating light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
Revelation 12:9
And the great dragon was thrown down, the age-old serpent who is called the devil and Satan, he who continually DECEIVES AND SEDUCES THE ENTIRE INHABITED WORLD; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.
Let these two passages marinate till next week.
Please don’t forget, all I do is in the spirit of Love and that I only aim to teach in holiness and righteousness what God’s Word says.
If we don’t get the foundational, fundamental understanding and profound truth of who Jesus is, we will continue to allow ourselves to be tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine and fable teaching.
Till next week,
God Bless.
Bishop Dr. Robert L. Harrison, Jr.
Senior Pastor, True Holiness Worship Ministries, Inc.
Florida West Coast Diocese, COGATH, Intl.