Let me ease y’all in

Praise the Lord everyone.

We are back to start the new year with a “bang.”

Oh my, where do we begin, let me count the ways.

Katt, Pearson, Thomas Dexter, Alistar Begg, Monique, Murphy (William), Todd, Bryant, Creflo and the hits just keep on rollin’.

I’m sure I will probably be the only one to speak on this mess as this is just what it all is: a “HOT MESS!”

However, don’t act like I haven’t spoken on these things, as the record will show I have on several occasions over the past 10 years, and I will continue to identify sin. I don’t necessarily have to call out specifics but if it has to be done, I will.

Case in point, when you attempt to guilt the people of God to accept secular, worldly, carnal music in the sanctuary and tell the people that just because you listen to it in the privacy of your home or even in your car, you a hypocrite if you have a problem if they play it in God’s House.

Straight trash and demonic, but it goes to show you that Satan will not stop on the attack of the pulpit until the sanctuary becomes just another social club — well, most are almost there today or they are planning the transformation.

There should be a crystal clear difference between what is holy and what is profane. Frankie Beverly or Earth Wind and Fire, I don’t think EVER put out a gospel album. Not one scripture will you find in the canon 66 or the 80 that says this is God approved.

The warnings and writing were all over the wall, but most of you chose to ignore it or simply said oh well, it’s not for me to judge or decide when the Bible clearly said we are to do just that.

Anytime the church mimics the world, and you can’t tell the difference, you know we are close to the times of Noah or Lot. And we know how those ended. Not good.

Why is it that you think you can alter, compromise, water down or turn a blind eye to God’s Word and believe that there are no consequences that will be the by-product of your disobedience? What passage of scripture, chapter and verse, please? I’ll wait, not.

I kinda get why most have done this. You have a family member or close friend that you love so near and dear that the thought of them spending an eternity in hell is unthinkable; what I’m gonna do is water down the word a bit or just never cover a particular passage or all together attack the Apostle Paul for being a womanizer or omit the Old Testament, EXCEPT for Malachi (tithing), because that was for back then, so now God will not judge them and everyone gonna make it in.

If that’s the case, I think I’ll pass.

As we breathe every breath, we should not only be thanking the Lord but we should be living the life in sacrifice to His great and ultimate sacrifice for us. Every time you close your eyes, and you know you didn’t obey, and you compromised God’s Word, you essentially are rolling the dice in hopes that He will grant you one more day to get it right.

Truth be told, I can count on one hand the number of leaders who are actually doing it in accordance with the scriptures. Now, that’s a sad statement, and if I had not been called by God to preach and teach His Word, I wouldn’t be able to make that statement.

I just wanted to take the lid off slowly this week to ease back in the saddle of being Bishop Buzzkill, and believe me, we’re gonna hit it off in the coming days, weeks, months, etc.

I pray y’all are holding to your resolutions or whatever you choose to call them.

Before I do, I want to give you a few warmup scriptures that will help to bring this key one to light. Top of Form

Bottom of Form

Till next week,

God Bless.

Bishop Dr. Robert L. Harrison, Jr.

Senior Pastor, True Holiness Worship Ministries, Inc.

Florida West Coast Diocese, COGATH, Intl.

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