Make a difference: Volunteer at a school near you

Pinellas County Schools is always looking for volunteers and mentors. Several mentoring programs support students, including Take Stock in Children, Lunch Pals, Girlfriends, 5000 Role Models, Big Brothers, Big Sisters, and Peer to Peer mentoring. Additionally, volunteers can tutor students, help in classrooms, media centers or front offices, or support Booster Clubs.

You can share your experiences by participating as a speaker, registering via the district’s Speaker’s Bureau or participating in the Great American Teach-In, scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2022.

Schools also need volunteers to chaperone field trips and serve on PTAs and School Advisory Councils. Want to learn more about volunteering? Visit or or call 727-588-5050.

Get involved and support your child’s academic success

Pinellas County Schools Parent Academy POWER HOUR workshops help parents support students academically, socially, and emotionally. There are also workshops specifically designed to support parents.

Some of the many topics include literacy tips, internet safety, college planning, money management, and navigating community resources. The district also offers POWER HOUR workshops in Spanish for Hispanic families.

Learn more and check out free workshops at If you have questions, call 727-588-6000 ext. 1846.

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