L-R Frank Peterman, James Jackson III, Everette Jones, Javan Turner
BY TOM PACKER, Contributor
ST. PETERSBURG – The welcoming of new officers of the Eta Rho chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity made for a grand occasion at the November regular fraternity meeting. As the new officers were seated, Basileus Javan Turner outlined his vision for the coming year.
He envisions inclusion and commitment by the entire chapter to public service. Brother Turner reminded the men of Eta Rho that the chapter’s pledge of service to the surrounding communities is based on the fraternity’s cardinal principles.
Eta Rho is among some of the most recognized chapters at the state and district level. This year’s officers share a combined membership experience of more than 100 years.
Eta Rho, founded in 1962, has, from the start, been an active participant in positive support for south St. Petersburg. The chapter signature programs are based in support for youth, with the Pathfinders Program being the gold standard.
The 2019-20 officers are Javan Turner, Basileus (president), Everette Jones, vice Basileus, James Jackson III, Keeper of Records and Seal, Marcus Wilson (not shown), Keeper of Finance.