“Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Mathew 9:37
Here in this passage of scripture, we are instructed as to what we should pray for. There is a harvest, but something is missing. This verse is specific about what is missing. It doesn’t say, that the tithers are few, or the believers are few, neither does it say that there are few worshipers, however, it does state that the workers are few. Jesus instructs his disciples that there is a lack. A lack of people which are willing to go into the vineyard and share the good news. Why is there a lack, if we say that we love God? There are five reasons:
- People see themselves as unqualified
- People are too busy with the cares of this world
- People lack compassion for others
- People don’t see the need
- People always think that someone else will do the work