On Sunday, March 26 at 11:45 am Unity Temple of Truth Church will launch its Recovery Ministry. At the end of 2016, the Holy Spirit placed it on my heart to establish a Recovery Ministry as one of our goals for 2017. Before I was able to share this divine idea with our congregation, a few members of the church came to me at separate times with the same idea. All of us were hearing, seeing and sensing the same thing because there is only one mind, Divine Mind.
Although many clergypersons do not discuss recovery, it is a much-needed ministry in the church. Whether we are a part of a 12 Step Program or not, the truth is that we are all in recovery from something. Recovery is nothing to be ashamed of because we will always be recovering from something as long as we are on earth (a relationship, substance, behavior or event).
Many of us are in the church suffering in silence from the disease of addiction. Because of our titles, positions or how long we have been attending services, we don’t want anyone to know that we are wrestling with gambling, overeating, overspending or sexual addiction. We feel that we are the only ones battling with drugs, alcohol or cigarettes. When we bring our struggles out of the darkness of shame, guilt and condemnation, we feel the light of God’s love and experience freedom.
There are several benefits for sharing our testimonies of recovery. Sharing removes the feeling of isolation and establishes a support system. When we share our stories, people connect with us on a deeper level and are able to relate to us new and different ways. Sharing also gives people the assurance that if we were able to be victorious over our addictions that they can be successful as well. When we tell how we have overcome, we also become a resource for others who desire help (literature, prayer, meeting times and locations).
David and his Israeli army were in a war with the Amalekites and they lost everything. Through their faith and their works, they were able to recover all that they lost (James 2:17). We, too, can recover from anything if we are willing to admit that we have an issue and work on it. It is God’s desire that all of his children live holistically healthy, balanced and well-rounded lives. Recovery is one key to making this vision a reality.
Rev. Doral Pulley is the senior pastor of Unity Temple of Truth Church, 511 Prescott St. S, St. Petersburg.