Registration is open for St. Pete’s Before and After School Care

ST. PETERSBURG – Summer might be ending soon, but you can keep the fun going into the school year. The St. Petersburg Parks and Recreation Department’s Before and After School Care program’s registration begins on Monday, July 16 at 7 a.m. for St. Petersburg residents and Monday, July 23 at 7 a.m. for nonresidents.

The department offers an Elementary School Before and After School Care program for grades kindergarten through fifth and a Middle School Before and After School Care program for grades 6-8. Kids will be able to play, learn and explore. The programs provide a fun, creative and educational atmosphere full of interactive lessons and activities, including special events, arts and crafts and homework assistance from well-trained staff.

Before & Aftercare, childcareRates are as low as $29 per month for the Middle School Before School Care program for participants who qualify for fee assistance, and free for the Middle School After School Care program for all participants. The Elementary School Before and After School Care programs are as low as $55 per month for participants who qualify for fee assistance.

Sign your kids up for a memory-making before and after school care program at one of 11 St. Petersburg Parks and Recreation Department’s recreation centers.

You can find the application, as well as a list of schools the department serves, at; return the completed application in person to the respective recreation center. For recreation center locations, visit

For more information, please contact the St. Petersburg Parks and Recreation Department at 727-893-7441 or visit

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