City to host first CRA Summer Summit June 19


St. Petersburg – City officials, along with the Citizen Advisory Committee for the South St. Petersburg Community Redevelopment Area (CRA), will host the first annual CRA Summer Summit at the Enoch Davis Center Auditorium, 1111 18th Ave. S., on Tuesday, June 19.

The meeting begins at 4:30 p.m. and will continue until public comment is finished. The public is invited to attend and provide input.

Attendees will hear an overview of recent redevelopment activities and can provide suggestions on where the City and County should spend funding within the CRA. There will be opportunities for the public to offer spoken and/or written input on ways to expand or improve South St. Petersburg CRA grant programs.

Feedback from the event will be used to help shape City administration’s upcoming CRA budget recommendations to City Council.

“The CRA involves a new approach – a significant departure from our traditional focus on public improvements. Our strategy is simple: by enhancing the physical environment and showcasing the City’s commitment to economic improvement in challenged areas, the area will attract private investment and create jobs,” said Mayor Rick Kriseman.

Opportunities to comment online will also be available after the meeting.

About the CRA

The South St. Petersburg CRA was established in 2015 to enhance quality of life within the 7.4-square mile redevelopment area. Comprised of Greater Childs Park, most of Midtown, more than 20 neighborhood and business associations, and two Florida Main Street Districts, the CRA geographical boundaries are generally from 4th to 49th Street from Second Avenue North to 30th Avenue South.

The extensive multi-faceted, multi-year initiative features grant funding programs; workforce development and youth training initiatives; urban agriculture; redevelopment of commercial corridors and cultural sites; and affordable housing options.

The fourth year of the South St. Petersburg CRA initiative begins Oct. 1. For more information, visit

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