“When I Think of 9/11”
By Seneca R. Howard
Dear Reader,
I hope my words find you well, and I pray that they bring you hope and perspective.
When I think of 9/11, I think of the selfless first responders who ran into the burning buildings to save others.
When I think of 9/11, I think of the many family members who left their loved ones, never to return.
When I think of 9/11, I think of the shared sorrow and spirit of unity that was felt.
When I think of 9/11, I think of how one enemy became a common enemy.
When I think of 9/11, I think of how men and women from across this nation all desired to do their part.
When I think of 9/11, I think of our selfless service men and women who served this nation.
When I think of 9/11, I think of how friends and neighbors so easily began to consider one another.
When I think of 9/11, I think of how grief was a shared process for us all.
When I think of 9/11, I think about the work that it took to rebuild.
I think about 9/11, and I think about these qualities that are missing in our today. I look out and see a world that is absent of these values, and to tell you the truth, it truly troubles me. As I reflected on this day and considered how I would honor and pay tribute to it and those who lost their lives, I could hear the words, “When I think of 9/11.”
As we remember and reflect today, let us honor this pivotal moment within our nation’s history with our actions and not just with our words.
Think about the beauty of these attributes, and do your part to exhibit them in your today, because the best way to keep a legacy alive is to live that life today.
My dear reader, I want you to know that you are not alone, and it is my prayer that this column will make you feel as though you have a place to belong and somewhere to call home.
Share your story and prayer requests below or at SenecaHoward.com/contact, and our team will be sure to keep you lifted in our prayers.
P.S., Yours Truly,
The Writer Seneca Howard

Seneca Howard, The Writer
About Seneca Howard
Seneca Howard is a pastor, author, mentor, and motivational speaker who inspires the lives of others through crisis ministry, counsel, and personal development.