Gaskin-Capehart launches new business

Nikki Gaskin-Capehart kicked off her new business, The NGC Team, to great fanfare with a launch party on March 31 at the St. Petersburg Country Club. Left, Donna Welch and Nikki Gaskin-Capehart


ST. PETERSBURG — Twenty years ago, Nikki Gaskin-Capehart launched Sanaa’ Systems Inc., an income tax franchise and postal contract station. In subsequent years, she took a left turn into politics, working for Congresswoman Kathy Castor and Congressman Jim Davis. Did a stint at the Pinellas County Urban League and then on to leading the City of St. Petersburg’s urban core as the director of Urban Affairs, all while raising a family.

After eight years at the city, Gaskin-Capehart has come full circle in entrepreneurship with the launch of The NGC Team, a boutique consulting, recruitment, and referral firm, on March 31 at the St. Petersburg County Club.

Yes, NCG stands for Nikki Gaskin-Capehart, but the more significant meaning is what her new business is all about: Network of Gifted Consultants.

“Many of you are in that space and know that I am coming because some of you will be those other gifted consultants who come together on projects with me,” Gaskin-Capehart told the ladies in the audience. “So, I want to make sure you know that your expertise will be something that I will be coming to knock on your door and say, ‘Hey, are you interested in partnering with this project?’”

As a boutique consulting, recruitment, and referral agency, The NGC Team offers businesses the opportunity to contract with one person or a group of talented people to meet their business or social needs. When Gaskin-Capehart left the city, she received multiple offers for consultant work and decided to spread the wealth throughout the community.

“I realize that there are other people out there with great talent too, and I want to connect the people to that,” she said.

The NGC Team includes a well-rounded group of professionals with strong skills in government affairs, community development and engagement, non-profit strategic planning, project and event management, entrepreneurial mindset coaching, leadership development training, and more.

Gaskin-Capehart has hit the ground running, with the City of St. Petersburg being her first client! Don’t be surprised if you get a call from her about partnering on a project.

For more information about The NGC Team, visit

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