Next STEPP presents Sing for Life

A combined choir from all the churches, under the direction and leadership of Pastor Ricardo Welch (above), will cap off a fundraising campaign on June 9. Singers and worshippers will raise support for Next STEPP’s life-affirming work.

ST. PETERSBURG — Next STEPP is excited to announce Sing for Life, a first-ever event that will bring God’s family together from churches throughout the St. Pete area to celebrate His gift of life in a worship gathering on Sunday, June 9, at 3 p.m.

Hosted by the historic Bethel Metropolitan Baptist Church at 3455 26th Ave. S, the worship gathering will feature a large, combined choir from all the churches under the direction and leadership of Pastor Ricardo Welch. It will cap off a fundraising campaign in which singers and worshippers will raise support for Next STEPP’s life-affirming work.

How will the Sing for Life campaign work? If you’re familiar with a fundraising walk-a-thon, imagine raising support to sing instead of walk. What could be more natural or fitting for God’s family when we gather to celebrate God’s gift of life than to all sing to the King together?

Participants will sign up to fundraise as part of their church’s team or as individuals or family teams. Each participant will have their own online fundraising page that they can personalize and share with others through social media, email, text and in person. Every participant can choose if they want to raise funds and sing in the choir, raise funds and worship in the congregation, or join in the celebration of life as a choir member or in the congregation without doing their own fundraiser.

  For over 30 years, Next STEPP has been working on behalf of the church in St. Petersburg as our community’s only gospel-centered medical pregnancy resource center. It comes alongside women and men who are experiencing unintended pregnancy to empower them to choose life for their babies and prepare for the challenges of parenthood, all in the name of Christ. All Next STEPP’s services, including medical, are free to participants but very expensive to provide. Sing for Life gives us all the opportunity to join together and support this life-giving work as members of God’s Family. The more we give, the greater the impact on the lives of the families served.

There will be award levels for all fundraising participants and special recognition for the top fundraising individuals and teams. You don’t want to miss this wonderful event! To sign up as a Sing for Life participant or learn more about how you can take part, visit

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