Nursing homes warn state lawmakers of the dangers of approving Senate PPS proposal

PINELLAS COUNTY – Leaders of Pinellas County nursing homes were joined by residents, families and advocates from around Pinellas County today at a press conference to voice concern over a prospective payment system (PPS) plan that is being considered by the Florida Senate.  There are 69 nursing homes in Pinellas County.  Of the 69, 39 homes (57 percent) lose money under the plan in the Senate budget – a total of more than $13 million.

Kip Corriveau

Kip Corriveau

“On average, our facility has a Medicaid census of close to 70 percent, which translates into 172 seniors, and under the proposed PPS system, we would lose $1.7 million – this is a cost we simply cannot afford and one that would be devastating to our core mission of caring for the sick and dying,” said Kip Corriveau, director of Mission at Bon Secours St. Petersburg Health System.

“I ask lawmakers prioritize quality care for our state’s most vulnerable and fragile seniors, whose families have entrusted their care to us, by deferring the proposed PPS system until a fair solution that truly cares for seniors can be reached.”

Bon Secours, Mease Manor and Menorah Manor oppose the PPS model included in the budget recommendation adopted by the Florida Senate, as it would negatively affect high-quality Pinellas County nursing homes by shifting resources from high-quality nursing home communities to primarily lower-quality facilities.

“Menorah Manor is a mission-driven, charitable, nonprofit, faith-based organization that strives to provide the highest standards of care, and our doors are open to everyone – regardless of ability to pay, which means our Medicaid census on average is roughly 65 percent,” said Rob Goldstein, CEO of Menorah Manor.

“Yet, under the PPS plan included in the Senate budget recommendations, our facility will lose nearly $1 million when the transition funding runs out.  Moreover, this proposed PPS plan lacks any requirement that providers who receive new money under the plan have to spend it on care, programs or services.  I respectfully ask, on behalf of the residents we are committed to caring for, that the legislature rejects this plan.”

“Mease Manor is focused on the delivery of high-quality nursing home care and we oppose the proposed PPS plan, as it will have a negative impact on the quality of care we provide to our residents,” said Kent McRae, President/CEO of Mease Manor.  “Under the plan in the Senate budget, Mease Manor stands to lose nearly a quarter of a million dollars each year.  Losses like this will negatively affect our nursing home, staff, residents and their families.”

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