BY DR. BASHA JORDAN, JR., Hope Alive Outreach
ST. PETERBURG – Recently, I received a telephone call for help from an assertive young woman living in St. Pete who has her own non-profit, but things seemed to be falling apart in her life. She has a team of individuals who are a part of her organization that provides a service for others. She helps young women prepare themselves for success in their lives, helps to care for her family and works a full-time job.
Three months ago, she had a terrible car accident that disrupted her life and caused financial difficulties. A month ago, she had a heart attack and spent considerable time in the hospital trying to recover. She is experiencing emotional stress, anxiety, quit smoking and feels like a failure.
“How could I help her,” she wanted to know.
I asked, “Why do you buy gas for your car?”
She said, “Because the car needs fuel so it will run.”
I asked, “Where is the gas station for your life so you have fuel on which to run?”
There was silence on the other end of the telephone.
I said, “God is trying to tell you something. You are running on empty; you have no gas station from which to get your fuel. You are doing it all by self-will. You need a God in your life.”

Dr. Basha Jordan, Jr.basha
We spoke at length and then I prayed for her.
Many within our society are trying to live life without a God and without a spiritual leader, pastor or divine consult. Many of us had parents who guided us toward a spiritual life by taking us to church and teaching us about God. However, much of the crime, anxiety, drug and alcohol use today by young people is simply a means to try to fill a void in their lives.
I encourage those of us who love our young people to speak and teach them about the importance of the spiritual values our parents and elders taught us. The cry is great in our city and country from young people for proper guidance. Saturday’s March For Our Lives rally shows this. Will you be an example? It’s our responsibility!
Hope Alive Outreach is addressing this Spiritual Epidemic by having a “Hope For You Meeting” on the first Thursday of each month beginning April 5 at 7 p.m. at the historic Manhattan Casino, 642 22nd St. S.
These meetings are held to give hope to those struggling with the pressures of work, marriage, drugs/alcohol, finances, etc. Being a pastor for 40 years, married 36 years and in recovery for 29 years gives me a foundation from which to lead this community meeting of hope.
For more information, call 443-250-9635.
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