I am happy to share more exciting news about 22nd Street S, “The Deuces.” We are now officially seeking a restaurant to fill the void left by Sylvia’s closing.
Last week, more than 10 interested parties toured our historic Manhattan Casino and restaurant space. Given the buzz that has been generated, I am confident we will receive several excellent proposals and that a new restaurant open in the near future.
While we anticipate that the building’s next restaurant operator will utilize the upstairs for event space, we do have the opportunity to utilize and program the space during this interim period. In order to honor the Manhattan Casino’s rich, vibrant history and ensure it remains a lively gathering space, the City of St. Petersburg will soon be accepting private event reservations.
The sun will again shine bright on the Manhattan Casino.
In other news, the City of St. Petersburg is ready to begin accepting applications for the ‘Not My Son’ Cohort of Champions, a program of our My Brother’s and Sister’s Keeper Initiative.
The Cohort of Champions Training Initiative is our next step in preparing our African-American boys and young men for the future. This program will develop a trained, qualified and ready workforce.
Mayor Rick Kriseman
When I announced earlier this year that we were fully committed to changing the trajectory for our youth, I meant it. Nothing means more to me.
Applications are available beginning Friday, Oct. 21 at your nearest Parks and Recreation center or library. I invite potential applicants to submit an application to this unique program.
For information on the Manhattan Casino Request for Proposal, contact David Dickerson, Real Estate & Property Management, 727-893-7187.
For more about the Cohort of Champions, workforce development and training for African American boys and young men, contact Rev. Kenny Irby, at 727-893-7808.