Have you ever explained in great detail something to someone with a sincere effort so that they would understand your position in the particular situation you were speaking about and no matter how many different ways you expressed yourself to them, you sensed that they just did not believe you even though they remained silent and did not comment to you?
If you have, I’m sure you will attest how painful it is when someone you care deeply about just did not believe you and would not respond to you.
Then you cried out to God for His understanding and peace; it appears that either He is not listening or accepting our perceptions of what took place. Even your constant petitioning Him does not arouse His peace. The heavens become as brass as God also remains silent.
But there is an important point we need to see here about our relationship with God. God has paid us the ultimate compliment. He allows us to make our own decisions. He allows us to call our own plays.
When He created us in His own image, this was primary among the characteristics with which He endowed us the ability to understand, to reason & to choose. The Holy Spirit can keep us from temptation. However, we all will be tested by our Father on what we have already been taught in life.
With this in mind, whenever you are being tested the teacher is always silent. Passing your test allows you to examine the lifestyle choices you’ve made and respond with the correct answer. Regardless, of the question: the answer is always the same. Jesus Christ, Him crucified and the finished work on the cross. If we do not answer ourselves correctly, we will repeat the test. The only thing God want us to do is to just believe Him. Who He says He is and what He has already done for us.
Therefore, no one could respond to you when you are ventilating your woes. Our testing is highly personalized. If they did give you the only correct answer you would be cheating and not comprehend with clarity what God has already done for you. You would have heard but not understood what the LORD requires of you. You must trust and obey what you have already been taught by the Master Teacher.
Keep in mind, “Jesus took the 12 aside and told them, `We are going up to Jerusalem and everything that’s written by the prophets about the Son of Man will be fulfilled. He will be handed over to people who do not believe what the Father has purposed for the earth. They will mock Him, insult Him, spit on Him, flog Him & kill Him. On the third day He will rise again.’” [Luke 18:31-33]
Stop for a moment and think about what I have just read from the Holy Scriptures. Then answer this question, “Did you understand what I read?” Or, did you just understand those words used? I expect you to answer, “Yes, I understood them.”
After all, they are pretty simple words. We do understand words like “mock, insult, spit, flog, kill,” & “rise again.” Now what could be clearer than that? We understand very well the words Jesus was using. Did they or you in fact believe His message?
The apostle Paul said, “I preach unto you Christ crucified. Unto the Jews that is a stumbling block. Unto the Greeks it is foolishness to those who are saved it is the power of God & the wisdom of God.”
The old rugged cross is the very heart of how we live. Jesus didn’t tell them that just once, but over & over again. In Matthew 16, 17 & 20 Jesus tells them the same thing just as clearly as He does here.
“The disciples didn’t understand any of this. Its meaning was hidden from them & they didn’t know what He was talking about.” No one can believe what they do not understand. They nor the people we talk to are not hard of hearing. However most have ‘selective hearing’. Did you hear [understand] that? If the political rulers-Gov. Pilate, Caiaphas the High Priest, religious leaders, members of the Sanhedrin, and the military [Roman soldiers]-had understood who Jesus was, they wouldn’t have crucified the Lord of Glory. [1Corinthians 2:8]
But when the church functions the way Jesus established it to function, it can be a safe place where we can bear one another’s burdens, encourage each other and have unconditional positive regard for someone whether or not we approve of everything they do. Have you been silent while God is speaking and pleading with you?