Alpha Alpha Theta Omega hosted the AKA annual South Atlantic Cluster II Meeting

The Alpha Alpha Theta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA) Sorority, Inc. hosted the sorority’s annual Cluster II Meeting on Saturday, Oct. 29, at the Hilton Tampa Downtown Hotel.

TAMPAThe Alpha Alpha Theta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA) Sorority, Incorporated® hosted the sorority’s annual Cluster II Meeting on Saturday, Oct. 29, at the beautiful Hilton Tampa Downtown Hotel. More than 600 influential and professional women and undergraduate students who are members of the AKA South Atlantic Region’s Cluster II area attended in person, and over 300 participated virtually in the one-day leadership event.

The Cluster II Meeting is designed to energize sorority members to execute the clarion call to carry out service initiatives outlined by AKA International President and Chief Executive Officer Danette Anthony Reed, who was installed in this position this past July. Her challenge to members is summed up in these few words: “Soaring to Greater Heights of Service and Sisterhood.”

Cluster Coordinator Cheryl Smith, Cluster Co-Chairman Jackie Kentish Greaves, AATO Chapter President Debra Sheehy, AKA – South Atlantic Regional Director Tiffany Moore Russell, Cluster Co-Chairman Joy Calixte, Undergraduate Cluster Coordinator Nyah Moore

The South Atlantic Region (SAR) is led by the Honorable Tiffany Moore Russell, Esquire, a Winter Garden, Fla resident. As the largest region in the sorority, Russell oversees 186 chapters covering the states of Florida, Georgia and South Carolina, with over 25,000 members.

The Cluster II, under the dynamic leadership of SAR Director Russell, Graduate Cluster II Coordinator Cheryl Smith and Undergraduate Cluster II Coordinator Nyah Moore, consists of 114 graduate chapters and 61 undergraduate chapters from areas including Orlando, Lakeland, Tampa, Clearwater, Bradenton and Ft. Myers.

Dr. Sherell Wilson, South Atlantic Regional (SAR) Representative to the International Program Committee

In her “State of the Region” address, Russell challenged the members of the South Atlantic Region to T.U.N.E. in, an acronym that stands for:

  • Transcend any limitations we have placed on members.
  • Unite and work together to reach our ambitious goals.
  • Nurture one another in the beauty of the sisterhood that members treasure so dearly
  • Empower members and our communities through continuous learning and improvement.

The focus of the meeting was dedicated to honoring members’ leadership skills, strengthening sisterly relations, and expanding members’ knowledge base of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc programs. The host chapter for the Cluster II Meeting was Alpha Alpha Theta Omega Chapter, serving the North Hillsborough and Pasco Counties, where Debra Ann Sheehy is the president, and Jacqueline Kentish-Greaves and Joy Calixte served as the Cluster II Meeting co-chairpersons.

During the next two years, they, along with all members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., will lead on the front lines of change, education, and advocacy through the organization’s six initiatives which are designed to “Strengthen Our Sisterhood, Empower Our Families, Build Our Economic Wealth, Enhance Our Environment, Advocate For Justice, and Uplift Our Local Community.”

About Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated ®

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., an international service organization, was founded on the campus of Howard University in Washington, D.C., in 1908. It is the oldest Greek-letter organization established by African American college-educated women.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority is comprised of more than 325,000 initiated members in graduate and undergraduate chapters located in 12 countries, including the United States, Bahamas, Bermuda, Canada, Dubai, Germany, Japan, Liberia, Nigeria, South Korea, South Africa and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Led by International President & CEO Danette Anthony Reed of Dallas, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority often is hailed as “America’s premier Greek-letter organization for African American women.”

About Alpha Alpha Theta Omega

Chartered on June 30, 2018, they are eager to expand the Alpha Kappa Alpha brand through meaningful program initiatives and partnerships that ensure significant sustainability and impact in our communities.

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