Battle scars: When the church wounds its own, part 2
Praise the Lord saints. Remember when God commanded Samuel to go and anoint the new king,…
Praise the Lord saints. Remember when God commanded Samuel to go and anoint the new king,…
Praise the Lord saints. Walk slowly with me. This is a prelude to the most significant…
Praise the Lord saints. Well, just as soon as I stated back with services, we are back to…
Praise the Lord saints. Services are finally starting back up this Sunday 2:30 p.m. As…
Beware the Slight of Hands and 3 Card Monte Preachers, Lest You be Tempted! Praise the…
Beware the Slight of Hands and 3 Card Monte Preachers, Least You be Tempted! Praise the…
Praise the Lord Saints of the Most High God! When Pontius Pilate interrogated Jesus just…
Praise the Lord Saints. I know this is a long series, but you cannot let what you…
Praise the Lord. Faith works with love- without love it is not true faith, without truth…
Praise the Lord. There is a teaching that it was only the Abrahamic covenant that was…
So now, there is no sin, there is no hell, and it doesn’t matter what I do, only what I…
Jesus in John 7:24 said to the people: “Do not judge according to appearance, but judge…
Before continuing, I want to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for the many new…
“These also who erred in spirit will come to understanding, and those who complained…
The Church is neither full of hypocrites nor empty of hypocrites Christian’s can be…
Praise the Lord saints. I had to change things up. There is too much bad, negativity and…
Praise the Lord saints. Taking the Church away from the Word as our basis for doing and…
Praise the Lord saints. The forgotten command of Discipleship for personal growth,…