Pastors voice support for Sugar Hill to redevelop Trop site
After touring Sacramento, a group of pastors comprised a letter to Mayor Ken…
After touring Sacramento, a group of pastors comprised a letter to Mayor Ken…
Mayor Ken Welch updated St. Pete on his accomplishments in his first 100 days in office…
The first project of the CBA program is located on a 4.59-acre site at 800 First Ave. S.…
Applicant organizations applying to the Social Action Funding Grant Program must be…
In 2021, the city council approved the Community Benefits Agreement program as a…
City council approved an additional $617,000 in incentives from the Community…
Tangerine Plaza has sat empty these past five years as nutrition insecurity, and chronic…
The 10th-anniversary and final session of the professional development training known as…
Jordan Park, once revitalized, will feature a newly constructed 60-unit mid-rise…
(Left to right) Deveron Gibbons, Jason Butts, Nathan Stonecipher, Bill Goede, Tonjua…
‘I think it’s time for a younger demographic who care about the community to serve,…
Mayor Rick Kriseman announced at a press conference on Thursday morning in Campbell Park…
The proposal involves the demolition of 31 vacant units (known as the Historic Village),…
The Gas Plant and Laurel Park neighborhoods were filled with homes, churches, businesses,…
Innovare, among the first in the new round of housing developments funded by Penny for…
Moments after the vote, Mayor Rick Kriseman and Deputy Mayor Dr. Kanika Tomalin (center)…
“To deal with the needs of St. Petersburg residents, our local elected officials need…
The Woodson African American Museum of Florida partners with Pinellas Community…