Dear Reader: I Pray That You Will Know the Beauty of A New Horizon

For The God of Your Past is also The God of Your Future

Dear Reader,

I’m not sure how my words will find you when you read them, but I pray that they find you well and bring you hope and perspective.

As you look out on your new horizon and begin to seek God’s will for your life in the year of 2023, the journey ahead of you may bring you fear because of the things that are behind you. But you shouldn’t fear, nor should you be afraid, Beloved, because the God of your past is also the God of your future. Psalm 46:1 tells us that God is our refuge and strength and a very present help in the time of trouble, and it is He who has seen your tears and has been present through all that has been oppressing you. He wants you to know that your future is going to be brighter than your past. He is the God of yesterday, now, and forever, and the same deliverance that He brought to Israel as they stood on the banks of the Red Sea in Exodus, He will bring to you.

Your time in Egypt (hard place) hasn’t been easy, Beloved, but I want to ensure you, Dear Reader, that you will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. At times you have felt that you might perish in this place before you reach your destination (promise land, or, the reality of God’s promises), but I want to ensure you, Beloved, that you will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

My prayer for you this year, Dear Reader, is that you will know God’s peace, and I pray that you will know His victories over your valleys. I pray that you will begin to see what He sees when He looks at you, and I pray that you will find rest in the green pastures and peace beside the quiet streams. May you drink and never thirst, and may your cup continue to overflow. May you know the goodness of His prepared table, and may you know the deity of His divine fellowship.

Dear Reader, continue to trust God even in the most difficult places because He will see to it that you make it to the destination of His promises. I want you to know that you are not alone, and it is my prayer that this column will make you feel as though you have a place to belong and somewhere to call home.

Share your story and prayer requests at, and our team will be sure to keep you lifted in our prayers.


P.S., Yours Truly,

The Writer, Seneca Howard


Seneca Howard, The Writer

About Seneca Howard

Seneca Howard is a pastor, author, mentor, and motivational speaker who inspires the lives of others through crisis ministry, counsel, and personal development.

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