Jazz artist Samara Joy performs songs from her new album, ‘Portrait’, at The Nancy and David Bilheimer Capitol Theatre
Dear Reader,
I’m not sure how my words will find you when you read them, but I pray that they find you well and bring you hope and perspective.
New Destinations, New Experiences, and New Beginnings. It’s a blessing to be able to see the whole picture, and the whole picture of a breathtakingly beautiful show is what Ma Chérie Kaye Howard and I saw last night. Thank you, my love and Queen, for this fantastic surprise; I sincerely want you to know that the time we spent together is one for the history books—an unforgettable gem that I will cherish forever and an experience that will continue to bring a smile to my face. As I grow older, I wholeheartedly desire nothing but moments like this, each one illuminated by the beauty of our time spent together.
As we sat and listened from this perspective, the beautiful harmonies and sounds of music within the room filled my heart with joy in abundance and overflowed – and as they did, thoughts of your beauty and radiance flooded my soul, too.
I saw a measure of the goodness of the Lord in our experience, and as it passed before me yesterday evening I couldn’t help but find inspiration in the blessings and wonder of Creation.
Here’s to a beautiful night and time spent well with you. Dear Lord, we lift our hearts in gratitude for the blessings of seeing the whole picture and sincerely thank You for New Destinations, New Experiences, and New Beginnings.
Thank you, Samara Joy, The Nancy and David Bilheimer Capitol Theatre, and the band for an amazing evening and wonderful show!
Dear Reader, we wanted to leave you with a message of encouragement. When you look at your life and see fragments that appear incomplete, keep your gaze upward. Trust that in God’s timing, what seems unfinished will transform into a masterpiece reflecting His divine plan for you.
It was an amazing night of continuity and a seamless blend of artistry, one where the amazing artist and talented Samara Joy took a moment during her performance to acknowledge and shine the spotlight on the invaluable contributions of teachers, mentors, artists, and students. Calling out many by name, she spoke of so many in the room and elsewhere whose influence has made a valuable impact on her life and those of her bandmates (St. Petersburg natives and Gibbs High School graduates Jason Charos (Trumpet) & Kendric McCallister (Alto Saxophone) and St. Petersburg native and University of Miami graduate David Mason (Saxophone, Flute)) as well as the lives of those in our communities, dedicating a song to these types of phenomenal individuals. This impactful highlight and heartfelt tribute resonated deeply, sparking conversations among attendees as my wife and I exited the theater. Many expressed how this moment made them feel appreciated – some of whom had been teaching for decades. The raves and reviews were of the highest regard and of noble articulation.
I’ve been blessed to know many wonderful teachers and mentors, and my heartfelt prayer is that they, too, recognize the incredible depth and beauty of their important work.
To be celebrated is to be honored, and to share your spotlight and stage, Ms. Samara Joy, by shining the spotlight on those who shape our lives speaks volumes about your artistry.
A painting goes through many phases as it works its way through the process of becoming a portrait, but once completed, it becomes a masterpiece.
I have always been a fan of artistry, theater, and the performance of art – especially storytelling that accompanies elements of music and storytelling in the form of plays, productions, books, and movies that tell stories of great depth, volume, and adventure. Being in a theater is truly exciting for me! Each element in the room has its purpose, and as the spotlight moves, its reason becomes more evident. The theater is a vessel, and, as you prepare for an exciting adventure or voyage, you take your seat and buckle in. There’s magic wherever you sit, and the discoveries of one’s imagination can be an unforgettable journey, much like wandering through the cosmos and discovering new planets for the first time!
God has gifted us all with instrumental gifts, and when we play our part as the instrument, the world can hear our sound of sweet harmony and song arrangement.
Dear Reader, your beauty and radiance shine as brightly as this art, embodying the magnificence of His creation.
It’s this divine inspiration that compels me to write and celebrate the wonders of what surrounds us!
Dear Reader, continue to trust God even in the most difficult places, because He will see to it that you make it to the destination of His promises. I want you to know that you are not alone, and it is my prayer that this column will make you feel as though you have a place to belong and somewhere to call home.
Share your story and prayer requests below and at SenecaHoward.com/contact, and our team will be sure to keep you lifted in our prayers.
P.S., Yours Truly,
The Writer, Seneca Howard
About Seneca Howard
Seneca Howard is a pastor, author, mentor, and motivational speaker who inspires the lives of others through crisis ministry, counsel, and personal development.
Samara Joy, Jazz Artist | New Album: Portrait
Jason Charos, Trumpet | St. Petersburg native, Gibbs High School graduate
Kendric McCallister, Alto Saxophone | St. Petersburg native, Gibbs High School graduate
David Mason, Saxophone, Flute | St. Petersburg native, University of Miami graduate