- Make education a priority in your home.
- Discuss the importance of education with your child.
- Have your child attend school every day – on time. If they are not in school, they will miss information and instruction.
- Talk with your child daily about his/her school day, homework, and activities.
- Assist with homework when needed and check to see if it is complete.
- Attend your child’s performances and other school events.
- Celebrate your child’s efforts and accomplishments.
- Communicate regularly with your child’s teachers.
- Let the teacher know the best way and time to communicate with you – email, phone, agenda, Focus, etc.
- Find out the best way and time to communicate with your child’s teacher.
- Attend Parent/Teacher conference and Open Houses.
- Address issues early.
- Ask your child’s teacher how you can support them – supplies, organizing, contacting other parents, etc. It could be as easy as cutting out shapes or alphabetizing.
- Volunteer – at a school function book fair, picture day, coach a sport, support a program or event, mentor or tutor a student, become a guest speaker, or chaperone a field trip, etc.
- Become a member of the school’s PTA/PTO or SAC (School Advisory Council) to let your support your child’s school and to let your voice be heard on important issues.
- Visit the Family Engagement page on the PCS website: www.pcsb.org.
- Download the Pinellas County Schools Family Engagement APP on an iPhone or Android phone.
- Listen to your child. You will learn as much from them as they learn from you!
Ways to be engaged in your child’s education

Very nice, Thank you for sharing such an interesting and educational post with us. For the next generation of children, early childhood education is critical. This is something that all parents should be aware of. One thing I want to add-on, please describe it with bullet points so that fellow people easily get the overview. Thanks and God Bless!!